final fantasy

final fantasy

Thursday, March 31, 2011


1.clash of the titans

It is about persius. A hero that has to save athens. His father zeus hid him away when he was a baby so that he would remane safe. He has to battle monsters and the dreaded kracken. Along the way he finds the love of his life andromade.


300 is about the spartans. Their were exaclly 300 spartans in the beginning. As their war agianst the persians was ending only 20 were left. They only fought eighteen more battles till they all died. The war was over but the persians won or so they thought.

3. percy jackson.

percy jackson is just like you. exept one little thing he is the son of poisidon. He would have to undergo a huge quest to save his mom, and the world. The quest would teach percy something. do not always  hate what u get.

4. termanator 2 judgement day.

The moive is about a boy who got a future he didn't want. His future was to save the world from the evil termanators. he finds a termanator that is trying to save him. the termanator ends up killing himself. before that happens he takes minigun and shoots up a police squad.


Fate deals young orphan Matt Murdock a strange hand when he is doused with hazardous waste. The accident leaves Matt blind but also gives him a heightened "radar sense" that allows him to "see" far better than any man. Years later Murdock has grown into a man and becomes a respected criminal attorney. But after he's done his "day job" Matt takes on a secret identity as "The Man Without Fear," Daredevil, the masked avenger that patrols the neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen and New York City to combat the injustice that he cannot tackle in the courtroom

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