final fantasy

final fantasy

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

# 32

A US soldier accused of being a part of a rogue squad that killed unarmed Afghan men for sport faces a court martial on Wednesday.
Specialist Jeremy Morlock is charged with three counts of murder and other crimes including drug use and assault.
He is the first of five soldiers based in the US state of Washington to be tried for the killings.
Under a deal for a guilty plea he would get 24 years in prison but be eligible for parole in eight, his lawyer said.

Spc Jeremy Morlock

goverment in portugal

The government's expected defeat in a parliamentary vote is likely to trigger an international financial rescue.
The vote comes on the eve of a European Union summit where leaders hope to finalise a eurozone debt crisis plan.
Kevin Dunning, analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, told the BBC that this is "crunch time" for Portugal.
"This could be the week when they have to activate the bail-out fund.

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