final fantasy

final fantasy

Thursday, March 31, 2011


1.clash of the titans

It is about persius. A hero that has to save athens. His father zeus hid him away when he was a baby so that he would remane safe. He has to battle monsters and the dreaded kracken. Along the way he finds the love of his life andromade.


300 is about the spartans. Their were exaclly 300 spartans in the beginning. As their war agianst the persians was ending only 20 were left. They only fought eighteen more battles till they all died. The war was over but the persians won or so they thought.

3. percy jackson.

percy jackson is just like you. exept one little thing he is the son of poisidon. He would have to undergo a huge quest to save his mom, and the world. The quest would teach percy something. do not always  hate what u get.

4. termanator 2 judgement day.

The moive is about a boy who got a future he didn't want. His future was to save the world from the evil termanators. he finds a termanator that is trying to save him. the termanator ends up killing himself. before that happens he takes minigun and shoots up a police squad.


Fate deals young orphan Matt Murdock a strange hand when he is doused with hazardous waste. The accident leaves Matt blind but also gives him a heightened "radar sense" that allows him to "see" far better than any man. Years later Murdock has grown into a man and becomes a respected criminal attorney. But after he's done his "day job" Matt takes on a secret identity as "The Man Without Fear," Daredevil, the masked avenger that patrols the neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen and New York City to combat the injustice that he cannot tackle in the courtroom

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


1.bon jovi

2.coheed and cambria


4.taio cruz

5.linkin park.

bon jovi is a great band. They made a new album. The album is called wanted. The band is still togethor.  The bands leaders name is john bon jovi.You should listen to them.

Coheed and cambria are a weird band. They make rock songs. The best one is welcom home. It is about a guy whose wife cheated on him.They are really expressive in there songs. SO iwould listen to welcome home only.

The deluge band is awsome. They made crazy,and open up the skys. Crazy is about going crazy for god. To love and respect him.Open up the skys is about gods blessingson the people of earth.

Taio cruz has some weird songs. I pesonaly like dynomite. Why? because it is awsome.It is the only one i listen to.I would suggest listening to it.

Linkin park is really cool.They made what ive done and numb. What ive done is about this guy who thinks he has no ope. He dicovers that god is great. Numb is about a guy who wants to be left alone. He is famos. linkin park is the top ten of the best bands in america.

Monday, March 28, 2011


My weekend was awsome. I spent the night at travis. We played borderlands. Borderlands is an action game. It is also a multiplayer game. There are four charictors to choose from. There is soilder the black guy,siren the chick,Hunter the guy with the rifle, and brick the big guy with a big gun.

I also played prototype. It is one of the most awsome games i ever played. The game is not really recomended for kids under 12. It has a lot of blood and death. The game has a multiplayer section were you can battle each other. It truly is awsommmmmme.

When i got home i played final fantasy X for playstation 2. It is about famos person who thought life was greatuntil disaster struck.His home was attacked in the middle of his blitz ball tornament.He soon found out that his missing Dad had killed the beast but some how became the beast known as sin. Now titus the main charictor has to choose, his dad or the world.

Last i played kingdom hearts reverse rebirth. It is about three people who want to find out there past.To start the game you must choose one of the people to play as. The choices are roxas, riku, and sora. The one i like to use is riku. he has a really cool sword. The others have good swords too. Their storys are all diffrent.


1.beat the game overlord.
2.kill john conner.
3.send 100000000000 emails. 5 teriaki bowls.
5.beat aq w.
6.get a date to prom.
7.beat up alex and tyler.
8.blow up china. a peice of cheeder block.
10.shoot a triple barrel pistol.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Anger in siria about crackdown
About 20,000 people chanting freedom slogans march at funerals in Daraa for protesters killed by security forces.

Pro-Saleh forces clash with Yemen army units

Presidential guards loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Yemeni president, have clashed with army units who have backed opposition groups and protesters demanding Saleh's resignation.
The clashes took place in the town of Mukalla, in the eastern Hadramout province, on Thursday.
A colonel was wounded, but it was not clear whether he was on the side of the elite Republican guard, which is loyal to Saleh, or the regular army, a local government source told the Reuters news agency.
General Ali Mohsen, commander of the country's northwestern zone and widely seen as the country's second-most powerful figure, said earlier this week that he was supporting pro-democracy protesters who have been demonstrating for weeks, calling for Saleh to leave office after three decades in power.

Pakistan: A revolution against whom?

Pakistan is a country often described as being the brink – of what, precisely, is up for speculation. There are fears economic, social and political crises, separately and simultaneously, will cause the country to implode into an ungovernable, anarchical mess: a failing, if not failed, state.
Indeed, there are those who argue that this has already happened.
On the one hand, it is difficult to argue with the point that the country is facing simultaneous challenges on several fronts.
With inflation on basic household items at 18.88 per cent (according to government figures) and unemployment at an estimated 15 per cent (according to the CIA’s World Factbook), households in Pakistan are feeling the economic pinch.

greek bank

Greece's National Bank on Wednesday reported a smaller-than-expected drop in 2010 profit, helped by Turkish unit Finansbank, and said it still believes in the merits of its bid for Alpha Bank.

geek president
President of the Republic Karalos Papoulias called for the unity of Hellenism to overcome today's challenges and for Greece to succeed in overcoming the economic crisis, in a message to Greeks abroad issued on Tuesday for Friday's March 25 national holiday.

athen's musium
Athens' Acropolis Museum  is among the six finalists competing for the 2011 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. The award ceremony will take place on June 20 at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona, Spain.

ice dad kills daughter
a man has been sentenced to 18 years behind bars in Sweden after stabbing his daughter 53 times in a so-called honour killing. Subhi Othman was sentence by Nykoping District Court on Monday after admitting to the grave crime in November last year.
a tourism centre with artefacts, exhibits, films and photographs from last year’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano is set to open on the fist anniversary of the eruption.
The centre will be situated next to Highway 1 in the shadow of Eyjafjallajokull at a place called Thorvaldseyri and is set to open on 14th April.
“It was decided at New Year’s to start this project. We want to show people how the eruption unfolded, how we lived with it and how it has been here since it ended. It is sort of our duty really; this was a world event,” says Olafur Eggertsson, the farmer at Thorvaldseyri, who is running the project with his family.

kite surfing
A hardy couple are preparing themselves to brave temperatures of -30°C when they kite surf across the Greenland ice cap later this year. Robert and Heidi Clover, who live in Devon, southwest England, will tackle the 1,400km slog in a bid to raise GBP 50,000 for charity.
“It is crazy. It is usually hardcore adventurers that attempt this kind of thing. We are really not the two people that should be doing this – I’m a housewife and Robert works in a bank,” Mrs Clover told Metro. “Before we started training the only run I had been on was the school run,” she added.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

# 32

A US soldier accused of being a part of a rogue squad that killed unarmed Afghan men for sport faces a court martial on Wednesday.
Specialist Jeremy Morlock is charged with three counts of murder and other crimes including drug use and assault.
He is the first of five soldiers based in the US state of Washington to be tried for the killings.
Under a deal for a guilty plea he would get 24 years in prison but be eligible for parole in eight, his lawyer said.

Spc Jeremy Morlock

goverment in portugal

The government's expected defeat in a parliamentary vote is likely to trigger an international financial rescue.
The vote comes on the eve of a European Union summit where leaders hope to finalise a eurozone debt crisis plan.
Kevin Dunning, analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, told the BBC that this is "crunch time" for Portugal.
"This could be the week when they have to activate the bail-out fund.

Friday, March 18, 2011

blog assignment# 31

Rick riodan (born June 5, 1964) is the author of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. He also wrote the Tres Navarre mystery series for adults and helped to edit Demigods and Monsters. a collection of essays on the topic of his Percy Jackson series. He helped develop the 10 books in The 39 Cluesseries, published by Scholastic Corporation, and wrote the first book in the series, The Maze of Bones Some of the new series he is working on are The Kane Chronicles (the first book being "The Red Pyramid", which focuses on Egyptian Mythology; and The Heroes of Olympus (the first book being "The Lost Hero"), which is the sequel to the Percy Jackson series and still focuses on Greek Mythology, but Roman Mythology is also added.

Riordan was raised in San Antonio, Texas.He graduated from Alamo Heights High School in 1982 and the University of Texas at Austin in 1986. where he double-majored in English and history. Riordan taught English and history, including Greek mythology, in middle schools in the San Francisco Bay Area and in San Antonio. He was awarded St. Mary's Hall's first Master Teacher Award in 2002.

As a novelist, Riordan has created many successful series. The multi-award-winning Tres Navarre mystery series, intended for adults, follows the fast-paced adventures of an erudite Texan private eye. Riordan also helped create the young adult series The 39 Clues; he authored several of its books, including The Maze of Bones, which topped the New York Times Best Seller list on September 28, 2008. His Percy Jackson and the Olympians series features a twelve-year-old boy who discovers he is the modern-day son of an ancient Greek god. Twentieth Century Fox purchased the film rights and released a feature film on February 12, 2010.

Following the success of Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan created The Kane Chronicles which features a modern-day Egyptian pantheon and two new siblings.protagonists. Its first book, The Red Pyramid, was released on May 4, 2011 .the sequel will be released on May 3, 2011. Riordan also created a sequel series to the Percy Jackson books, The Heroes of Olympus. Its first book, The Lost Hero, was released in the U.S. on October 12, 2010; the sequel, The Son of Neptune, will arrive in the fall of 2011. Riordan plans to expand both series simultaneously.

that a child demigod of the "Big Three" would decide the fate of Olympus and the gods, when the demigod child reached the age of 16. The pact was made in an effort to prevent the prophecy from ever happening. Both Zeus and Poseidon break the pact by having demigod children after the war – Zeus had Thalia Grace and Poseidon had Percy Jackson. Ironically, Hades, who is meant to be the most untrustworthy god, did not break the pact. However, he had Bianca and Nico di Angelo, who were born before the war, but were trapped in the Lotus Casino for 70 years. This meant they were still able to fulfill the great prophacy.

the red pyramid is a 2010 fantasy adventure novel based on Egyptian mythology written by Rick Riordan It is the first novel in The Kane Chronicles series, which tells of the adventures of modern day fourteen-year-old Carter Kane and his twelve-year-old sister Sadie Kane, as they discover that they are descended from the ancient Egyptian pharaohs Narmer and Ramesses the Great. Carter learns that he is a host of Horus, and Sadie is a host of Isis. The siblings have amulets. Carter has the Eye of Horus, and Sadie has the Knot of Isis. Their father, Julius Kane, attempts to summon Osiris through the Rosetta Stone, but also releases the five children of the "Demon Days": Horus, Set, Isis, and Nephthys. Osiris is confined by Set. Soon, Carter and Sadie scramble to Phoenix, Arizona, where they attempt to kill Set, and destroy his red pyramid.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


1. aqw. aqw stands for adventure quest worlds.It is a fun game site. You can meet new people. you can chat with friends. You battle monster and beast.

3.facebook. flight.

5. edge import.

6.sword pro.

7. ebay.

8. gamefaq.

9.jak models. 


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog assignment #29/Facebook


What is it?  It is a free website for people that are 12 and older.You can talk to people that you haven't seeen in a while. You can also meet new people around the world. Facebook is a good website for fun. People should get a facebook.

Why do we use it?     We use facebook because it is fun. Fcaebook is a website to play diffrent games that are on there. People love to get on facebook. I wounder why some people don't have one. Enjoy the website.

How do we use it?   You have to put in your email.Also you need to Find a good username. Get some friends. Sometimes you just have to find a random person and send a friend request. Never ask your parent's for a friend request unless they are cool.

 When do we use it?  We usually facebook all the time. Unless the teacher's catch you. People who don't have lives get on facebook all day long. Getting on facebook all the time  is bad. Only get on at 3 o  clock or later.

How is it harmful?   Sometime's people can follow you. Stalker's can try and send you a friend request. People can also say mean thing's on facebook. Never accept people who curse on facebook.All and all facebook is half good and halfbad.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

gataway .com

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

blog assingnment26

WHENEVER summer rolls around, I start thinking about snow. The Rocky Mountains may have melted. but I knew that somewhere below the equator in the impossibly distant,  and expensive ski resorts of the Andes — the lucky ones were strapping on a snowboard, freshly fallen powder under their toes.

Thursday, March 3, 2011





Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core for Sony PSP

ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin Trails

300: March To Glory


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood



Halo 3: ODST

Halo Reach

10 best places to eat in the world

  • Andrea PetriniFrance

  • Andrey ZakharinCentral Asia & Russia

  • Bianca OteroEastern Europe

  • James BrennanMiddle East & North Africa

  • Dimitris AntonopoulosGreece, Turkey, Cyprus & Georgia

  • Dirk De PrinsBenelux

  • Eleonora CozzellaItaly

  • Grant ThatcherHong Kong,Macau & Taiwan

  • Hannes KonzettAustria, Switzerland & Liechtenstein

  • Lars Peder HedbergDenmark,Norway & Sweden

  • Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    blogassignment#25sarah palin

    During her first year in office, Palin kept a jar with the names of Wasilla residents on her desk. Once a week, she pulled out a name, picked up the phone and asked: "How's the city doing?"Using income generated by a 2% sales tax that had been approved by Wasilla voters in October 1992,Palin cut proporty taxes by 75% and eliminated personal property and business inventory taxes. Using bonds, she made improvements to the roads and sewers, and increased funding to the Police Department. She also oversaw new bike paths and procured funding for storm-water treatment to protect freshwater resource At the same time, she shrank the local museum's budget and deterred talk of a new library and city hall.
    Shortly after taking office in October 1996, Palin eliminated the position of museum director and asked for updated resumes and resignation letters from "city department heads who had been loyal to Stein," including the police chief, public works director, finance director, and librarian. Palin stated this request was to find out their intentions and whether they supported her. She temporarily required department heads to get her approval before talking to reporters, saying that they first needed to become acquainted with her administration's policies. She created the position of city administrator, and reduced her own $68,000 salary by 10%, although by mid-1998 this was reversed by the city council.
    In October 1996, Palin asked library director Mary Ellen Emmons if she would object to the removal of a book from the library if people were picketing to have the book removed. Emmons responded that she would, and others as well. Palin explained that she not been proposing censorship but instead, had been been discussing many issues with her staff that were "both rhetorical and realistic in natural Ultimately, no attempt was made to remove books from the library during Palin's tenure as mayor.
    Palin said she fired Police Chief Irl Stambaugh because he did not fully support her efforts to govern the city. Stambaugh filed a lawsuit alleging termanation and violation of his free speech rights. The judge dismissed Stambaugh's lawsuit, holding that the police chief served at the discretion of the mayor, and could be terminated for nearly any reason, even a political one, and ordered Stambaugh to pay Palin's legal fees.
    Palin also joined with nearby communities in hiring the anchorige-based lobbying firm of Robertson, Monagle & Eastaugh to lobby for federal funds. The firm secured nearly $8 million in earmarks for the Wasilla city government,including $500,000 for a youth shelter, $1.9 million for a transportation hub, and $900,000 for sewer repairs.
    In 2008, Wasilla's current mayor credited Palin's 75 percent property tax cuts and infrastructure improvements with bringing "big-box stores" and 50,000 shoppers per day to Wasilla. A local gun store owner said Palin made the town "more of a community ... It's no longer a little strip town that you can blow through in a heartbeat. At the conclusion of Palin's tenure as mayor in 2002, the city had about 6,300 residents.