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final fantasy

Thursday, February 10, 2011

blog assignment # 18 obama

Obama was born on augest 4,1961. his full name is barrack husseon obama.his parents met while both atending the east-west center of the universaty of manoe.His father enrolled him at the age of two.Later his parents divoced and his dad moved to conneticut to learn more.

When he was 6 his mom married lolo soetoro. When soetoro's student visa was revoked becuse of underest in andonesia.In first grade,dunham accompanied him to Jakarta, Indonesia. Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born after the family moved to Indonesia. Four years later she sent him back to the United States to live with his maternal grandmother.

Barak graduated from harvard law school.he met his future wife michelle roboson.Now they have two daughters malia and sasha. the kids got a dog ,Bo, a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog,was given to Malia and Sasha Obama . theynamed the dog bo because first lady Michelle Obama's father was nicknamed Diddley.

Obama went on atrip to India. He had an escort of 40 planes .A bomb was suspected but nowhere to be found.his daughters were not allowed on the trip but now they can go on trips with there dad.michelle talked with the pilots and securaty to allow them on.

obama taught constatutional law at the university of chicago. he became senior lector in1996. during this time he taught corses.He published no legal scholarship, and turned down tenured positions, but served eight years in the Illinois Senate during his twelve years at the university.  Obama was in the bored of directors of the public alliese in1992.

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