final fantasy

final fantasy

Monday, February 28, 2011

blog assignment#26 culture

greek culture
greek is most popular for there art

Because of the ravages of time, only a minor assortment of ancient Greek art has survived - most frequently in the form of sculpture and architecture and minor arts, including coin design, pottery and gem engraving. Greece also has a rich history of contemporary art from the revolution onwards.
roman culture
roman's were popular for their gladiator's
Some gladiators were volunteers who risked their legal and social standing and their lives by appearing in the arena. Most were despised as slaves, schooled under harsh conditions, socially marginalized, and segregated even in death.
Irrespective of their origin, gladiators offered audiences an example of Rome's martial ethics and, in fighting or dying well, they could inspire admiration and popular acclaim. They were celebrated in high and low art, and their value as entertainers was commemorated in precious and commonplace objects throughout the Roman world.The roman's would come just to see people die in the arena.

chinas culture
chineis are known for there gods.
Chinese religion was originally oriented to worshipping the supreme god Shang di during the Xia and Shang dynasties, with the king and diviners acting as priests and using the oricale bones . The Zhou dynasty oriented it to worshipping the broader concept of heaven. A large part of Chinese culture is based on the notion that a spiritual world exists. Countless methods of divination have helped answer questions, even serving as an alternate to medicine. Folklores  have helped fill the gap for things that cannot be explained. There is often a blurred line between myth, religion and unexplained phenomenon.

persian culture

The Persians originally were nomadic, pastoral people in the western Iranian plateau and by 850 B.C.E. were calling themselves the Parsa and their constantly shifting territory Parsua. For the most part the early Persians had settled in the southwest Iranian plateau, bounded on the west by the Tigris River and on the south by the Persian Gulf which had become their heartland for the duration of the Achaemenid Empire. It was from this region that eventually Cyrus the Great (Cyrus II of Persia) would advance to defeat the Median, the Lydian, and the Babylonian Empires, opening the way for subsequent conquests into Egypt and Asia minor.


Scotland retains Scots Law, its own unique legal system, based on Roman law, which combines features of both civil law and common law. The terms of union with England specified the retention of separate systems. The barristers called advocates, and the judges of the high court for civil cases are also the judges for the high court for criminal cases. Scots Law differs from England's common law system. Formerly, there were several regional law systems in Scotland, one of which was Udal Law (also called allodail or odal law) in Shetland and Orkney. This was a direct descendant of Old Norse Law, but was abolished in 1611 . Despite this, Scottish courts have acknowledged the supremacy of udal law in some property cases as recently as the 1990s. There is a movement to restore udal law to the islands as part of a devolution of power from Edinburgh to Shetland and Orkney. Various systems based on common Celtic Law also survived in the Highlands until the 1800s.

Friday, February 25, 2011

blog assignment #56

“I’ve played basketball for as long as I could walk, as part of the St. George grade school and junior high teams before joining the Warrior family as a shooting guard. It’s been a great decision with, of course, winning the 3-point contest being the highlight so far.”

Age: 16
School: St. Michael High School
Parents: Corinne and Billy Long
Book: The recently released, “Five: The Night Dale Brown’s Bench Met the Best,” by Sonny Marks.
Music: Darius Rucker
Movie: “Staying in the basketball theme — ‘Hoosiers.’”
TV show: ‘Tosh.O’ on Comedy Central
Hangout: (Besides the gym) Friends’ houses
Role model: Assistant Warrior basketball coach Daryl Thrower
Extra: Long, a sophomore, was the winner of the High School 3-Point Contest held in late January at Catholic High. He won out over 15 other area shooters, making 21 total 3-point shots in the third and final round to win. Look for Long in the State 3-Point Contest at the Louisiana High School Basketball Coaches Association All Star Game in March during the statewide high school basketball championship games. Long is also a member of his school’s Beta Club.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

blogassignment#22 newspaper

The EagleThe International School of Zug and LuzernHünenberg

Canada –– British Columbia
CSS ChronicleChilliwack Secondary SchoolChilliwack

DrumbeatGrand River Collegiate InstituteKitchener

The Crimson CrierSparkman High SchoolHarvest
5.Valkyrie VoiceMary G. Montgomery High SchoolSemmes

Thursday, February 17, 2011

blog assignment#21 monet

Claude Monet was a famos painter.He had a house in France.Claude was born Oscar Claude Monet (14 November 1840 – 5 December 1926). was a founder of French  painting, and the most  consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perseption of nature.the term Impressionism is derived from the title of his painting impression. 

Claude Monet was born on 14 November 1840 on the 5th floor of 45 rue laffitte.He was the second son of Claude Adolphe Monet and Louise Justine Aubrée Monet, both of them second-generation Parisians. On 20 May 1841, he wasbaptized in the local parish church.  as Oscar-Claude, but his parents called him simply Oscar. In 1845, his family moved to le harvendey His father.

On the first of April 1851, Monet entered Le Havre secondary school of the arts. Locals knew him well for his charcoal caricatures.  he would sell the charcol cariccatures for ten to twenty francs.  On the beaches of Normandy in about 1856/1857, he met fellow artist  eugene bouron.

here is his garden.

here is his house.

here is some of his work.

here is his boat he drew.

this is the famous painter claude monet.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

blog assignment#20 amarica past present futere


The past was a time of war.ww1 was the most dull.But ww2 was the most coolest but most sadining war.the soilders fought hard.the wars were taking forever to win.


Friday, February 11, 2011

blog assighnment# 19 tony curtis john waine

Tony curtas (June 3, 1925 – September 29, 2010) was an American film actor whose career spanned six decades. but  had his greatest popularity during the 1950s and early 1960s. He acted in over 100 films in roles covering a wide range of scenes, from light comedy to serious drama. In his later years, Curtis made alot of television appearances.he hed really good looks and style.

he won his first serious recognition  as a skilled dramatic actor.The following year he was nomanatid for an oscar.Curtis then gave what many believe the most awsome in a complitely diffrent role.His most significant serious part came in 1968 when he starred in the true-life drama the boston strangler.the director like the movie so much it went platnum.

Marion Mitchell Morrison aka john wayne (born Marion Robert Morrison; May 26, 1907 – June  11.He is famous for his distinctive voice, walk and height. He was also known for his conservative political views and his support, beginning in the 1950.he was born in iowa. His middle name was soon changed from Robert to Mitchell when his parents declard him there son.

As a teen, Wayne worked in an ice cream shop for a man who shod horses away from the hollywood studios.He was also active as a member of the order of DEMolay. He atended the winson middle school in glendalle. He played football for the 1924 champion of glendalle high school.Wayne applied to the U.S. NAVY but was not accepted.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

blog assignment # 18 obama

Obama was born on augest 4,1961. his full name is barrack husseon obama.his parents met while both atending the east-west center of the universaty of manoe.His father enrolled him at the age of two.Later his parents divoced and his dad moved to conneticut to learn more.

When he was 6 his mom married lolo soetoro. When soetoro's student visa was revoked becuse of underest in andonesia.In first grade,dunham accompanied him to Jakarta, Indonesia. Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born after the family moved to Indonesia. Four years later she sent him back to the United States to live with his maternal grandmother.

Barak graduated from harvard law school.he met his future wife michelle roboson.Now they have two daughters malia and sasha. the kids got a dog ,Bo, a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog,was given to Malia and Sasha Obama . theynamed the dog bo because first lady Michelle Obama's father was nicknamed Diddley.

Obama went on atrip to India. He had an escort of 40 planes .A bomb was suspected but nowhere to be found.his daughters were not allowed on the trip but now they can go on trips with there dad.michelle talked with the pilots and securaty to allow them on.

obama taught constatutional law at the university of chicago. he became senior lector in1996. during this time he taught corses.He published no legal scholarship, and turned down tenured positions, but served eight years in the Illinois Senate during his twelve years at the university.  Obama was in the bored of directors of the public alliese in1992.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

more e-how

...And I'll Form...The HEAD!
Keith on Voltron: Defender of the Universe. Keith would say this whenever the Voltron Force formed Voltron.
The ninja turtles on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Said by the turtles.
Da plane boss, da plane!
Mr. Rourke and Tatoo on Fantasy Island. And Mr Rourke would always say, "Welcome, to Fantasy Island"
Dinky, you birdbrain!
Grandpa Little on The Littles
Don't Call Me Squirt!
Michelle Tanner on Full House
nikes were still cool

Monday, February 7, 2011

blog assingment#15


Amarica needs to help the kids in africa with school and academics. They need to learn and be smart they need food and shelter and parents. They need a good enviorment to learn in. They need a good sytem and teachers.they need love to.

video 2

African school need a good learning enviorment.They need better school equipment.
They don't need stupid kids. They need an air conditinor to. Kids in africa have it tough.They need great teachers.

video 3

African kids needhelp and care. They need the four of the most important things. They are reading, writing, hearing ,and speaking.They need to be more interactive in there work.Learning is really important if we want a more smarter geniration and better learning for there children.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

eco friends and animal facts

 be a friend of the planet.Mother earth needs are help. if you don't help well i hope you don't mind living under water for the rest of you're life. so be eco nomical. save the trees.

  • Shut down and unplug electronics. Make small changes to use – and pay for – less energy, like shutting down your computer when you're not using it and plugging your cell phone and other electronics into power strips so you can turn several devices off with one switch.

  • Wash your clothes in cold water. By using cold water instead of warm, the average household can avoid emitting 1,281 pounds of carbon dioxide annually and save on energy bills.1

  • Use refurbished electronics. You can get refurbished electronics for a steal (they often sell for less than 50 percent of the retail price!), and before they're resold to the public, they go through an intense defect-testing process and the warranties usually remain intact. So you can save money and help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.Use kitchenware products made of recycled materials. Preserve uses items such as recycled Brita pitcher filters and empty yogurt containers to make their line of colorful kitchen gear. Since they're about the same price as regular kitchenware, it's a no-brainer

  • Update your wardrobe for less. Instead of consuming new products, trade fashionable clothes, accessories, cosmetics and shoes for free (you only pay for shipping). By swapping merchandise you can lower the amount of harmful emissions caused by the manufacturing process. Check ou to learn more.

  • i'll be watching your progress as you go.

    An average dairy cow produces four times its body weight in manure each year.
    -Kiwis are the only bird that hunts by smell.
    -A birds eye keeps everything in focus at all times.
    -Elvis had a pet monkey named Scatter.
    -A sheep trained to turn the lights on and off will leave them  on 82% of the time.
    -A blind chameleon will still change color to match its surroundings.
    -All dogs except the Chow have a pink tongue, the Chow's tongue is bluish black.
    -Nine out of ten extinct species were birds.
    -Lions sleep 17 hours per day.
    -Most wild birds live only 10% of their normal life span.

    • Wolves are excellent hunters and have been found to be living in more places in the world than any other mammal except humans.
    • The wolf is the ancestor of all breeds of domestic dog. It is part of a group of animals called the wild dogs which also includes the dingo and the coyote.
    • Most wolves weigh about 40 kilograms but the heaviest wolf ever recorded weighed over 80 kilograms!
    • Adult wolves have large feet. A fully grown wolf would have a paw print nearly 13 centimetres long and 10 centimetres wide.
    • Wolves live and hunt in groups called a pack. A pack can range from two wolves to as many as 20 wolves depending on such factors as habitat and food supply. Most packs have one breeding pair of wolves, called the alpha pair, who lead the hunt.
    • Wolf pups are born deaf and blind while weighing around 0.5 kg (1 lb). It takes about 8 months before they are old enough to actively join in wolf pack hunts.
    • Wolves in the Arctic have to travel much longer distances than wolves in the forest to find food and will sometimes go for several days without eating.
    • When hunting alone, the wolf catches small animals such as squirrels, hares, chipmunks, raccoons or rabbits. However, a pack of wolves can hunt very large animals like moose, caribou and yaks.
    • When the pack kills an animal, the alpha pair always eats first. As food supply is often irregular for wolves, they will eat up to 1/5th of their own body weight at a time to make up for days of missed food.
    • Wolves have two layers of fur, an undercoat and a top coat, which allow them to survive in temperatures as low at minus 40 degrees Celsius! In warmer weather they flatten their fur to keep cool.
    • A wolf can run at a speed of 65 kilometres per hour during a chase. Wolves have long legs and spend most of their time trotting at a speed of 12-16 kilometres per hour. They can keep up a reasonable pace for hours and have been known to cover distances of 90 kilometres in one night.
      Wolf facts

      Over 10,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows.
      -All polar bears are left handed.
      -The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1.
      -You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.
      -A blue whales testicles are the size of a family car.

      Over 10,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows.
      -All polar bears are left handed.
      -The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1.
      -You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.
      -A blue whales testicles are the size of a family car.

      Tuesday, February 1, 2011


      Joe Jonas and his girlfriend Ashley Greene were stopped by security teams at an airport in Abu Dhabi after the pop star accidentally packed a set of knives in his carry-on luggage.

      The new couple was booked on a flight from the United Arab Emirates state to New York and after finding they had too many bags to check in, they opted to take another with them on the plane.
      However, the Jonas Brothers star forgot he had put a set of cheese knives in the bag, and they were soon stopped by airport officials. Greene feared they would be arrested for attempting to take blades on a plane, but the guards eventually let them go.

      She tells George Lopez, "We had too many bags to check so we took one as a carry-on instead of checking it through security. We were going from the Middle East to New York so (there was) tons of security, tons of screening. We got through one actually, surprisingly enough, but at the second one they all of a sudden stopped and looked at us with these really stern faces and said, 'What is in your bag?'"

      "I look at him and get flashbacks of this knife set we got; they were like cheese cutting knives. I look at Joe and said (sic), 'Did you leave those knives in your bag?'. He said, 'Whoopsies!' I said, 'Whoopsies doesn't cut it! We're going to get arrested!'"

      Greene jokingly blamed the incident on Jonas, because the eager cook had bought the knives as a gift, adding, "This is all his fault!"
      Joe Jonas

      Ashley Greene-BBC-015598.jpgAshley Greene-BBC-014847.jpgAshley Greene-SGG-093009.jpgAshley Greene-BBC-013371.jpgAshley Greene-JTM-046408.jpg
      | More

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      Miley Cyrus

      Cyrus at rehearsals for the 2010 MuchMusic Video Awards
      Background information
      Birth nameDestiny Hope Cyrus
      BornNovember 23, 1992 (1992-11-23) (age 18)
      Nashville, Tennessee,
      United States[1]
      GenresPop,[2] pop rock, teen pop, country pop, electropop, dance pop
      OccupationsActress, author, entrepreneur, fashion designer, singer, songwriter, musician, dancer
      InstrumentsVocals, guitar, piano
      Years active2001–present
      LabelsHollywood, Fascination (UK), Avex (Japan)
      Associated actsJonas Brothers, Billy Ray Cyrus

      Miley Ray Cyrus (born Destiny Hope Cyrus; November 23, 1992) is an American actress and pop singer. She achieved wide fame for her role as Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel sitcom Hannah Montana. Cyrus recorded music for the soundtracks, Hannah Montana (2006) and Hannah Montana 2/Meet Miley Cyrus (2007), released by Walt Disney Records. With the success of the Hannah Montana franchise she established herself as a teen idol. In 2007, Cyrus signed to Hollywood Records to pursue a solo career. She went on the Best of Both Worlds Tour the same year, in which she performed as both herself and in character as Hannah Montana. The tour was eventually turned into a high-grossing concert film entitled Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert (2008). In July 2008, Cyrus released her first solo album, Breakout (2008), which was commercially successful.
      She began her foray into film by providing the voice of "Penny" in the animated film Bolt (2008). Cyrus earned a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song for her performance of Bolt's theme song, "I Thought I Lost You". She also reprised her role as Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana in Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009). The Hannah Montana: The Movie' soundtrack introduced her to new audiences within country and adult contemporary markets.