final fantasy

final fantasy

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blog Assignment #4/Flikr

1.this is maximum ride.
2.she is a human avian experament.
3.she is supposed to save the world.
4.but she is only the beginning of her kind.
5.and we all know it ain't goin' to be pretty.

1. this is vincent valintine.
2.he has a kick butt atitude.
3.he is the host of the beast chaos. he's on a mission to save midgar.
5.with his three barreled gun he can't fail  this mission.        

1.this is ventus.
2.he weilds a keyblade.
3.he goes on an epic quest to save his friends.
4.he meets the disney princesses.
5.he must find their hearts and reaturn them.

1. this is cloud and sepiroth.
2.since i'm sure you don't know sepiroth is clouds opposit.
3.their the same person.
4. their both one half of the other.
5.they both have wicked cool swords.

1.this is angeal.
2. he gave his big sword to cloud.
3.he is the mentor of zack fair.
4.he ended up dying  to protect zack .
5. he was secritly the dad of zack

1.this is cecil.

2.he is a dark warrior.
3.he has a wicked cool spear.
4.he is the brother of golbez.[no bro pic avlibale]
5.he is a changer [he can turn from drkness to light.

1.this  is poisidons copy.
2.he is  very good in war.
3.he can't die
4.he as you can see a cool spear.
5.he is very calm some times and others wellnot so much.

this is chaos sorry for the placement

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